In memoriam Yvan Amar (1950-1999)

Publié le par lesamisdelami

"Yvan had obviously let go the pursuit of ordinary dependent happiness.
That's why he was so resplendently joyfull under all circumstances.
His very life was a hommage to his Guru and a testimony to his teaching.
He was giving evidence that a common Westerner cou!d reach
the other shore and become a light for hundreds of seekers."

Arnaud  Desjardins

"Yvan Amar was a champion of relationship, the most articulate voice for the possibility of consciousness between people. His life knew suffering, but he lived it with such dignity that to be in his presence was to enter in the sacred.
He was a man whose family life was the greatest demonstration of his enlightenment.
He was a teacher who helped many people embrace their humanity and live with meaning and courage."

Richard Moss

"Yvan Amar was a 'secret teacher' - his influence, and the people he connected up, will read like a science fiction story one day. And he continues still. l offer him my total affection and respect.

Lee lozowick

"Yvan's love and support for myself as well as countless other teachers, seekers, students and friends was consistently
overwhelming and always disarming. A true mystic. His passion for the dharma was all-embracing and was demonstrated in his openhearted rcception to all those who came to him. We'll all miss him."


Andrew Cohen

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